New Route PhD- Program Guideline for Non-Iranian International Students
The Ph.D. program is the highest level of higher education which results in the acquisition of a degree and aims to train individuals who will have the ability of innovation in different fields of science, serving the purpose of solving international needs and expanding the borders of knowledge. Education at this level will be full-time.
Admission Criteria and Method1
- Having acquired a Master’s Degree or a Professional Doctorate Degree (M.D., D.D.S., Pharm.D.) or higher relevant to the requested field of study based on the decision of the advisor and the approval of the academic unit and the International Students Admission Committee;
- Determining the overall details of the student’s research projects approved by the advisor.
Remark: Based on the application, the advisor of the academic unit can request and determine an in-person or distant interview with the applicant.
Length of the Course
Based on student needs and research priorities, the student will be responsible to pass at least 6 and at most 10-course credits as determined by the advisor before conducting his or her project.
The accepted period of time for the professor-based–project-based Ph.D. program will be 3 to 5 years, but it can be extended by at most one semester by the recommendation of the advisor as well as the approval of the academic unit and the university’s educational council.
Program Guideline for Non-Iranian International Students consists of an introduction and 10 articles has been approved by the Committee for Adaptation and Adjustment of Educational Programs for the International Students in its fourth meeting on Aug. 7, 2018, and is obligatory since the approval date.
To download the complete Guideline , click here.